Glowing Skin Remedies

Before we start reading about different remedies regarding skin first of all we should know about cleansing/cleanness. You may also read this article regarding cleanness “” Everywhere in the world prefer cleanness and the Islamic quotation is that “cleanness is our half religion” so we should take care of our surroundings and also ourselves as … Read more

Factors that Affecting Environment- Population Growth / Impact of Population Growth 2nd part

Next is deforestation. Deforestation is also one of the major impacts which have negative impacts on the environment because now the population is growing drastically so this population requires that much land to stay. The population requires land for themselves to get settled down and that is why day by day so many trees have … Read more

Factors that Affecting Environment- Population Growth / Impact of Population Growth “1st Part”

we will talk about another factor that affects the environment and this is population growth. So we’re going to study population growth how the population is increasing what is overpopulation and how is it affecting our environment?  As we know that overpopulation is a very undesirable condition and this is a condition where the existing … Read more

Greenhouse Effect and Greenhouse Gases

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Sunlight falls through the atmosphere to the earth, heating its surface. Not all of the heat remains there, however.Most of it is emitted as long-wave thermal radiation from the Earth’s surface into space. In this respect, the gases in the Earth’s atmosphere play an important role. For the … Read more