Mehr Abad/ Mari Abad (Quetta, Baluchistan)

Mehr Abad/ Mari Abad is a beautiful Place which is situated in Quetta Pakistan. In Mehr Abad/ Mari Abad mostly Hazara communities are living, as they are living in Mehr Abad/ Mari Abad when Pakistan came into being since (1947). Mehr Abad/ Mari Abad is also called a valley of love and peace.

This place is very clean most of their people are educated they know how to keep the environment neat and clean. In Mehr Abad, every kind of product (Local and Imported) are available also you can find here delicious food at reasonable prices.

In Mehr Abad, there is a place where their local people called is a Dam, some people go there for a walk also some people prefer to go to spend a good time and for mind relaxation.

Mehr Abad is a nice place to visit once when you come to Quetta Baluchistan.

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